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God has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God's own family, 1 Peter 1:3. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Ministry is a non-denominational church birth to empower singles and families to bring change to our communities by professing and practicing their faith in Jesus Christ. It is our assignment to minister the Word of God to promote and encourage all mankind to pursue obedience to what the scripture teaches; and to receive Jesus as Savior, Lord and King. To serve Him in confidence with assurance; and to prepare believers to receive Jesus when He comes. To disciple a congregation (young and old) to be the leaders that God called them to be. We encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to work in and through you to accomplish His good work.

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A man’s life without God is not only a drag, but it inadvertently drags others down with him. However, life with God is an adventure. Plug into our men’s ministry and see for yourself. The more we have of God in our lives, the more we can be the man God has created us to be. Our Mission is to provide a ministry based on relationships rather than activity that empowers men to be the spiritual leaders God has called them to be.


As daughters of Christ, we were created to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10). Therefore, through the word of God, prayer, events, and activities we encourage, support and uplift women of all ages while making disciples of Christ. Currently, we meet once a quarter having an exciting time of sistership, breaking bread, and teaching the word of God.

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We believe that the word of God is relevant for all people and all generations (1 Peter 1:25) therefore, every 2nd Sunday of the month our youth participate in teaching the importance of giving, reading scriptures, music, song, and dance. The mission of the Youth Ministry is to establish a foundation for building a Christ centered life, Christian character, morals, values, and behaviors.


Music has always played an important role in the worship. We are a church of worship and praise to God our Father in an individual and or corporate setting. We love to render unto Him adoration, praise, confession, intercession, and thanksgiving to which He is entitled to. It is our highest goal to enrich the service through music as we usher in the presence of God.

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The bible records in 2 Samuel 6:14 that “David danced before the Lord with all his might.” Light of Zion praise dancers cheerfully dance before the congregation to usher in the presence of God. Committed to magnify the name of the LORD and to demonstrate His majesty, power, and splendor through dance. “Let them praise His name with dancing” (Psalm 149:3 NIV)


The world is full of people who do not know our Lord, and one of the best ways to draw them to Him is to love and live like Jesus. Help us to spread the love of Jesus Christ! We believe Jesus died for all, that all souls are important and
belong to God. It does not matter your background, the color of your skin; rather you are learned or unlearned, rich, or poor. We believe you are important to God and His family.

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We are a Christ-centered family church that has a mission to impact and make a difference in the community and city one person at a time.


506-A W. Jasper Dr.

Killeen, Tx 76542


(254) 415-7400


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