About Us

Our mission is to minister God’s word to receive forgiveness of sins by faith through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. We believe our mission statement is based upon the divine authority of Mathew 28:19-20. The church ministry is commanded to reach out, teach and baptize them unto salvation. Our goal is to be about our Father’s business. We believe that all souls belong to God and are important to the kingdom of God. It does not matter where you come from, the color of your skin; rather you are learned or unlearned, rich, or poor. We believe Jesus died for all; therefore, you are important to God and His family.
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Ministry’s vision is to minister to the total man: physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Our purpose is to apply God’s word with love, faith, gentleness, kindness, peace, and joy to all people; young, old, men, women, children, rich, poor and the willing to turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, to receive forgiveness of sins by faith through God’s dear Son Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. We desire to meet God's people right where they are – at their point of need – and direct them to God's love; to receive His healing and redemptive power.
Endeavored to keep the pattern of sound doctrine and teaching and faith and love in Jesus Christ.” We believe our mission statement is based upon 2 Timothy 1:13. Equipping the Saints for the work of Ministry” (Eph 4:12) by educating and training through God’s word. Set at liberty the bound, Isaiah 61:1 & Luke 4:18 under the anointing of God breaking of all fetters enable men and women to perform in their ministries. Reveal the glory of the Lord that all flesh shall see it together (Isaiah 40:5) sharping leaders in the kingdom to perform and execute God’s word for His glory.