We are thankful for your presence and welcome you as we journey together on the horizon that the Lord has set for us!

As the Pastors of LCFM, we extend ourselves with you to grow, worship, serve, laugh, cry, and learn together as we reach out to others with God’s life-transforming truth. It is our hope that your entrance into our family will result in Christian growth as you desire. We pray that you will involve yourself in the work of the kingdom with us as the LORD uses Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Ministry for His glory and for the good of ourselves and others.

Pastor Roderick Twymon
Pastor Roderick Twymon gave his life to the Lord at an early age at Peace Baptist Church in Talladega, AL and later rededicated his life at the age of 36. Afterwards he became an active believer of Christ while serving in the United States Army. Throughout the years, Pastor Roderick served in various leadership roles in body of Christ. Pastor Roderick declares that his commitment to the people of God is to provide Christ-centered sound teachings and doctrine; to provide godly counseling, correction, and instructions; to do justly, and to love with mercy, and to walk humbly with God. It is Pastor Roderick’s desire to see people fully embrace God’s forgiveness, grace, and love and to walk in victory while experiencing the fullness of God’s promises.
Pastor Sandra K. Twymon
Pastor Sandra K. Twymon gave her life to the Lord at young age at St. Peter AME Methodist Church, Seale, AL. While serving in the United States Army she rededicated her life and became an active believer of Christ. After, accepting her call to preach the gospel she learned to serve by working in various leadership positions and other supportive roles. As she continued her service to body of Christ, she begun to have a yearning to empower women in ministry declaring the gospel. Pastor Sandra is a committed and diligent worker to the call. Her desire is to serve with a loyal heart and to be a blessing to those whom God sends her way.